What Kappa Alpha Offers

First and foremost, the Kappa Alpha Society offers the rare opportunity to form powerful and lasting friendships with former classmates and alumni. This gives members the ability to access an extensive network of people spanning across both the United States and Canada.

Apart from a wealth of valuable experiences, the Kappa Alpha Society also offers generous scholarships to its members thanks to the John Hart Hunter Educational Foundation, explained in more detail to the right. the Kappa Alpha Society is dedicated to fostering intellectual development and providing educational opportunities for its members.

As a member of the Kappa Alpha Alumni Association Lehigh University, you will be given the key to many valuable opportunities that will enrich your alumni experience. Thus, we warmly welcome you to come along, join KAAALU.

The JHH Educational Foundation

The founder of the Society, John Hart Hunter, left behind a legacy of intellectualism and scholastic accomplishment. In keeping with this legacy, the Kappa Alpha Society established the John Hart Hunter Educational Foundation in 1989. The Foundation helps fund scholarships, educational programs, and housing for Kaps. Typically, at least two or three Kaps per chapter earn scholarships toward educational costs.

The John Hart Hunter Educational Foundation's mission is comprised of seven guiding components:

  • Undergraduate Education.
  • Development of Leadership Skills.
  • Scholarship and Academic Achievement.
  • Endowment of Funding Educational Resources.
  • Preservation of Kappa Alpha Society Archives.
  • Development and Distribution of the JHH Educational Journal.
  • Prudently invest some Funds in Chapters for Capital Improvement.

More information on the Foundation can be found here.